On 12/7/21 11:16 AM, Oliver Neukum wrote:
it seems to me that the method of maintaining an example driver
does not work because it will inevitably be
* untested
* out of date
Thus our documentation would be improved by replacing its examples
with code from drivers for real hardware. Such code wouldn't be pretty
or written for text books, but it would be tested.
I could do it this week in a first proposal. But I don't want to start
if somebody feels that the skeleton driver absolutely has to stay.
My wish is that it is only deleted when you have something similar as
proposed by Ted.
I have tested the driver during the last three month. I used different
devices. The best one was a USB to serial adapter, as it has the by the
driver expected bulk in and out endpoints. In the skel_open() I was
putting in an initialization and was able to set RTS and other signals
on the RS232 side. I was also able to test the usb_bulk_msg() receiving
example for my patch…
I truly believe that it has issues. But it is usable.
I liked that it is a character device and that it is one file and not
distributed among many files.