Hi Tomo,
it works now, thanks.
Just one more thing, using tgtimg I can set the size of the tape.
However, there is no limit writing to it. Some backup software actually
relies on
the tape reaching the end of the tape before trying to get another tape
from the library.
Shouldn't the ssc_bs return an EOT at the size previously set with tgtim?
Thanks again,
I realized that tgt-admin can't set up ssc properly. You need to use
tgtadm to set up ssc.
Can you try this patch? This adds tricks to tgtadm that makes
tgt-admin set up ssc properly.
diff --git a/usr/tgtadm.c b/usr/tgtadm.c
index 9a60215..6280c99 100644
--- a/usr/tgtadm.c
+++ b/usr/tgtadm.c
@@ -721,7 +721,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (path)
shprintf(total, params, rest, "%spath=%s",
rest == BUFSIZE ? "" : ",", path);
- if (bstype)
+ if (req->device_type == TYPE_TAPE)
+ shprintf(total, params, rest, "%sbstype=%s",
+ rest == BUFSIZE ? "" : ",", "ssc");
+ else if (bstype)
shprintf(total, params, rest, "%sbstype=%s",
rest == BUFSIZE ? "" : ",", bstype);
if (targetname)
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