This example config file can be placed in doc/targets.conf.example.
# This is a sample config file for tgt-admin.
# By default, tgt-admin looks for its config file in /etc/tgt/targets.conf
# This one includes other config files:
include /etc/tgt/temp/*.conf
# Set the driver. If not specified, defaults to "iscsi".
default-driver iscsi
# Sample target with one LUN only. Defaults to allow access for all initiators:
backing-store /dev/LVM/somedevice
# Similar, but we use "direct-store" instead of "backing-store".
# "direct-store" reads drive parameters with sg_inq command and sets them to
# the target.
# Parameters fatched with sg_inq are:
# - Vendor identification
# - Product identification
# - Product revision level
# - Unit serial number (if present)
# We also specify "incominguser".
direct-store /dev/sdd
incominguser someuser secretpass12
# An example with multiple LUNs, disabled write-cache (tgtd enables write-cache
# by default) and vendor identification set to "MyVendor"
backing-store /dev/LVM/somedevice1 # Becomes LUN 1
backing-store /dev/LVM/somedevice2 # Becomes LUN 2
backing-store /dev/LVM/somedevice3 # Becomes LUN 3
write-cache off
vendor_id MyCompany Inc.
# Similar to the one above, but we fetch vendor_id, product_id, product_rev and
# scsi_sn from the disks.
# Vendor identification (vendor_id) is replaced in all disks by "MyVendor"
direct-store /dev/sdb # Becomes LUN 1
direct-store /dev/sdc # Becomes LUN 2
direct-store /dev/sdd # Becomes LUN 3
write-cache off
vendor_id MyCompany Inc.
# Note that "first-device-first-lun numbering" will work only for simple
# scenarios above, where _only_ direct-store _or_ backing-store is used.
# If you mix backing-store and direct-store, then all backing-store entries
# are processed before direct-store-entries.
direct-store /dev/sdb # Becomes LUN 3
backing-store /dev/sdc # Becomes LUN 1
direct-store /dev/sdd # Becomes LUN 4
backing-store /dev/sde # Becomes LUN 2
# Even more complicated example - each device has different parameters.
# You can use indentation to make the config file more readable.
# Note that LUNs will be assigned more or less randomly here (and still
# backing-store get LUNs assigned before drect-store).
# You can specify multiple mode_page parameters (they are commented out
# in this example).
# Note that some parameters (write-cache, scsi_sn) were specified "globally".
# "Global" parameters will be applied to all LUNs; they can be overwritten
# "locally", per LUN.
<direct-store /dev/sdd>
vendor_id VENDOR1
removable 1
# lun 1 # Not yet supported
<direct-store /dev/sda>
vendor_id VENDOR2
# lun 2 # Not yet supported
<backing-store /dev/sdb1>
vendor_id back1
scsi_sn SERIAL
write-cache on
# lun 3 # Not yet supported
<backing-store /dev/sdd1>
vendor_id back2
#mode_page 8:0:18:0x10:0:0xff....
#mode_page 8:0:18:0x10:0:0xff....
# lun 4 # Not yet supported
# Some more parameters which can be specified locally or globally:
#scsi_id ...
#scsi_sn ...
#vendor_id ...
#product_id ...
#product_rev ...
#sense_format ...
#removable ...
#online ...
#path ...
#mode_page 8:0:18:0x10:0:0xff....
#mode_page 8:0:18:0x10:0:0xff....
write-cache off
scsi_sn multipath-10
# Parameters below are global. They can't be configured per LUN.
# Only allow connections from and
# Allowed incoming users
incominguser user1 secretpass12
incominguser user2 secretpass23
# Outgoing user
outgoinguser userA secretpassA
# Not supported configurations, and therefore, commented out:
# <direct-store /dev/sdd>
# vendor_id VENDOR1
# </direct-store>
# direct-store /dev/sdc
# This one will break the parser:
# <direct-store /dev/sdd>
# vendor_id VENDOR1
# </direct-store>
# direct-store /dev/sdc
# <direct-store /dev/sdd>
# vendor_id VENDOR1
# </direct-store>
Tomasz Chmielewski
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