Em 07/04/21 09:34, Greg KH escreveu:
On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 09:16:44AM +0100, Beatriz Martins de Carvalho wrote:
Em 07/04/21 06:37, Greg KH escreveu:
On Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 09:00:07PM +0100, Beatriz Martins de Carvalho wrote:
Em 06/04/21 20:36, Greg KH escreveu:
On Tue, Apr 06, 2021 at 08:34:09PM +0100, Beatriz Martins de Carvalho wrote:
Cleans up check of "Lines should not end with a '('"
with argument present in next line in file emxx_udc.c
Signed-off-by: Beatriz Martins de Carvalho <martinsdecarvalhobeatriz@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/staging/emxx_udc/emxx_udc.c | 11 ++++-------
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Why is this a [RESEND] ?
What happened to the first version?
Sorry, I didn't receive your review, and in kernelnewbies tutorial, they say
if not receive a response, may have missed the patch, so I resent it.
Do you have a pointer to your previous patch in the lore.kernel.org
archives anywhere? I can't seem to find it.
I found this, it's what is you need?
Ah, yes, I saw Julia's review and assumed you would fix up your patch
based on her comments. Please do not ignore review comments, it makes
everyone's lives harder.
Sorry, I didn't fix up my patch based on her comments, because to do
this was
to revert all my patch or will break a code line if I remaining within 80
characters. How the code line still stays between 85 or 90 I assumed
that was
ok, so I was waiting for your review. Now I saw that I should send this
to her. What should I do with the patch?
Thank you for all reviews, I'm learning a lot about how to do a good
contribution and the importance of answer all reviews.
greg k-h
Beatriz Carvalho