Hi, I have installed Gentoo last year, so I don't know if any
instruction has changed since then. In any case, since the first time I
installed Gentoo back in 2007, my practice has been to firstly read all
of the Handbook, as well as all relevant material at Gentoo Wiki, and
keep annotating in a plain text file all of commands I'll be taking.
Only after finishing such notetaking, I proceed to start installing.
Although I still have all the commands I used, I don't recall exactly
what was the purpose of each and every of them. In any case, here is
what I have anotated regarding kernel and initramfs specifically, as
well as commands which appears to be related, along with some comments
I'm inserting when the following command isn't obvious. As you will see,
I didn't need to deal with dracut directly. From what I recall, simply
inserting an initramfs USE flag was enough to generate an initramfs
nano /etc/portage/package.use/linux-firmware
# insert this line, and save
sys-kernel/linux-firmware initramfs
mkdir /etc/portage/package.license
nano /etc/portage/package.license/kernel
# Insert these two lines and save
sys-kernel/linux-firmware @BINARY-REDISTRIBUTABLE
sys-firmware/intel-microcode intel-ucode
emerge linux-firmware
nano /etc/portage/package.use/intel-microcode
# Insert this line and save
sys-firmware/intel-microcode hostonly initramfs
emerge --noreplace intel-microcode
iucode_tool -S --write-earlyfw=/boot/early_ucode.cpio
emerge installkernel-gentoo
emerge gentoo-kernel-bin