Speect packages don't work

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On 10/22/2015 10:40 PM, Willem van der Walt wrote:
I grabbed the demo .wav and am not impressed.
Our own tts, speect, is better.
It is available at http://speect.sf.net
It is using hmm tts methods.
It is more natural sounding than gnu speech or espeak, and not IMHO suited
for screenreader use.
HMM is synthesized sound, modeled after human voices which is actual
recordings, IE. the computer is tought how speech should sound by giving it
examples of how a real person would read some given text.

I looked at the download site with interest. First, it would appear that fully installed, it's bigger than Gnuspeech. Gnuspeech without a dictionary weighs in at under 1 MB and with the data files at 3.8 MB. However, I wasn't able to get the Ubuntu package to install on 14.04.3, even after adding the PPA repository. Apparently packages are only available for 12.04 Precise. That's too bad as I am always willing to give other synthesizers a chance. I'm always looking for high quality speech for reading text files, ebooks, etc. If the packages get updated, please post here.
Also, to keep this on topic for the Speakup list, what about writing either 
a module for Speech Dispatcher or a Speakup connector?  If it's as good as 
you claim it is, Orca users would probably also be interested, but there 
would need to be a module for Speech Dispatcher.
Speakup mailing list

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