There are two of us who work on TalkingArch. The development is certainly open for others to come onboard, provided that we can all agree that TalkingArch *must* remain as close to pure Arch as possible, with only speech and braille support added, along with a couple of things that aid in reading the documentation. In any case, what comes out of a TalkingArch installation must be exactly the same as what one would get by installing Arch from the pure Arch iso, unless a talking system is needed, in which case, we provide steps on the wiki that will make this happen. Braille testing and help is certainly needed, as only one of us has the ability to test braille support, and it's possible that Kelly, the developer with the ability to test braille, has a limited supply of braille devices on which to test the braille support in TalkingArch. He does maintain the brltty-minimal package that TalkingArch uses from the AUR, so if any tweaking of its configuration is needed, he can probably help, although I don't think we ship a custom config file. I believe only the PKGBUILD is tweaked to make the brltty-minimal package require as few dependencies as possible, while still working with as many devices as possible, even the old ones, which many people still have, owing to the extremely high cost of purchasing a braille display. Any help with testing or patching this package is greatly appreciated, and as long as it doesn't interfere with the functionality we currently have, it will most likely be accepted into either the brltty-minimal package or the TalkingArch build system, and working images will be signed off by both of us as usual. I can assure you that there is no crazy prioritization of bugs going on here, with the exception of the fact that TalkingArch must be Arch with speech and braille, nothing more, nothing less. As always, bugs and fixes are accepted in any number of ways, all of which are listed at Anyone is also more than welcome to clone the repository and help with development from there. We have no formal application process for TalkingArch development, only express an interest and submit acceptable work. Eventually, volunteers who submit work that we can include may be invited to participate in the development process, including gaining push access to the git repository for the build system. Also, since the AUR now allows multiple maintainers, it may also be possible to add people to the brltty-minimal repository as well, but since Kelly handles that, it may be better to ask him directly about that. Hope all this helps. Sent from my violin _______________________________________________ Speakup mailing list Speakup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx