Since Ubuntu has a speakup-source package wouldn't it be easier to make this
script patch that rather than recompiling the whole kernel? This way
module-assistant could be used to install the speakup modules and then the
patch would stay in place accross kernel upgrades.
To take this a step further, it might be a good idea to have a script that
could bring the speakup sources up to the latest version and compile that.
I'm currently having this problem myself, the speakup modules that come with
ubuntu have some major problems but I'm not sure what sources they're using
or what is the latest speakup source. Is it the one in the kernel tree or
the one from the git repository? The problem is made worse by the speakup
version number not being updated and no change log seeming to be available.
On Tue, 14 Apr 2015, John G Heim wrote:
I've written a bash script to make it easier to create a ubuntukernel patched
for serial hardware synths. Instructions for downloading and using the script
are at
The script itself is at
All you need to do is to download the script and run it. The script installs
the ubuntu kernel source package, comments out the line of code that keeps
hardware synths from working, and compiles the kernel.
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