I don't have access right now to a 32-bit machine on which to build a 32-bit version of the kernel. I can figure something out but it's going to take me a few days and I am booked solid all week. I probably won't get to it until next weekend. It's really ridiculous that we even have to do this. The kernel developers are just being unreasonable in not allowing the simple, obvious fix the patch uses. I understand their point of view but they are putting their code standards ahead of the real needs of real people. It's like unplugging a computer to keep it from being broken into. Well, yeah, hackers won't be able to use it but neither can anyone else. By the normal definition of a bug, something about a program that doesn't work as intended, the code has a bug the way it is now. It's not the other way around. The fact is that the problems introduced by the patch are miniscule. The speakup modules are used only by people who have a speicific need for them and who mostly understand the risks. And there are other places in the kernel code that have the same problem. IMO, this is about values. The kernel code developers are putting their standards ahead of the needs of real people. You will have to trust me on this but I am very much a neatness first guy when it comes to computers. I understand the value of standards and doing things the "right" way. But people come first. The kernel developers should take a deep breath, hold their collective noses, and put that patch in. It's the right thing to do. On 02/08/14 23:31, Hart Larry wrote: > OK, I wanted to try John's later kernel, which might let me still run a > DecTalk U S B. But the immage is an amd64. Would their be a way of > converting to 32bit, or would it actually run? Thanks so much in advance. > Hart > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at linux-speakup.org > http://linux-speakup.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/speakup > -- --- John G. Heim, 608-263-4189, jheim at math.wisc.edu