It's not directly relevant to Speakup, but I suspect that a lot of the people on this list will be interested. Reposted from the chromevox discussion group: It seems that there is now a very easy way to install ChromeVox under Linux without sighted help. Basically, download the following file: And put it in a particular directory. I'm running chromium, and for me, that directory is /usr/lib/chromium-browser/extensions. If I were running chrome instead, it would be /opt/google/chrome/extensions. I'm running chromium on Gentoo, and I have no idea whether these paths are distro specific. You may also need to create the extensions/ directory. I had to do that. Once the file is copied, just start chromium or chrome, and chromevox *should* start talking! I don't know if this can be used for older versions of chrome / chromium. For what it's worth, chromium 29.0.1547.32 is installed here. In any case, I'm finally able to do an eyes-free install of chromevox under Linux! Thanks to "floppym" for showing me how to do this. -- Chris