I am running brltty on here and there is currently no braille display. I have to see if it will work. I just subscribed to their mailing list and hope to have the details soon. As I said, I would like to tech up my braille and as soon as I can get to work, which I believe may happen this coming year, after I get established, I want a braille display so that I can go paperless. One time, I had a skyscraper of braille volume boxes in here from the NLS. I said "No more, this is a susser when there is such a thing as computerized braille." I finally got all the books read but resolved never to do this again. Now, with the advent of BARD (Braille and Audio Recording Downloads) from the NLS, it doesn't have to happen again. In order to preserve my skills in writing braille, I just wanted to tech that up as well. I will get back to all my lists and tell everyone as soon as I have it working here. Hope I can help. -- Doug Smith: Special Agent S.W.A.T Spiritual Warfare and Advanced Technology Forever serving our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.