trying again, new talking arch and audio problems

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Tried sending this to the list and got a message about it being too long, so here we are again. The exported errors are at a link which I will give below. 

I put in the new TalkingArch cd. I heard yammering about choosing a sound card, listen

for the beep, blah blah, press any key, yack yack. All that went well, I heard a

beep and pressed enter twice. No espeak. I did



heard the hiss, so alsa appeared to be working well. Fired up brltty

killall brltty

brltty -b al -d ttyS0

espeak "hello"

Saw a whole screen of errors, which I redirected to a text file. 

pasted below. Not

knowing what was important and not, the whole thing is here.

Audio configuration is a sound blaster live card, and a disabled onboard audio sound

chip. It is this latter which I believe is causing the problem. Ok, scratch that, as of this new writing, even with the hcip re enabled, I still get the errors. Everything else seems to work except espeak.

What is happening here? 

The link to the file with the errors is:

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