On Sun, May 01, 2011 at 09:08:10AM -0700, Keith Hinton wrote: > Also, SpeechD-up has major issues on multiple processor-SMP enabled > machines, unless you count the Vinux project doing all the tweeks to > SpeechD-up with that project. Only Espeakup on any other system did > fine. espeakup garbles things after 3 or four screenfuls have been displayed on my Quad-Core system. Doesn't do it while running with the LTLK, LiteTalk hardware synthesizer, which no longer seems to work under the 2.6.38 kernel. Stops echoing typed characters on occasion, and like I said, garbles the hell out of speech output after about 3 screens of text have been displayed.. At the shell prompt, while reading web pages and text files under lynx and less and more, and while chatting with irssi, so I tend to hear it alot when running speakup_soft.. Michael -- Linux User: 177869 # Powered By: Intel # http://rivensight.dyndns.org Postings Copyrighted 2010-2011 by: Michael Ferranti