Hi Chris and all, I was curious how things are going with the Sixty Four Bit version of Arch Linux with Speakup support. I have thought long and hard about using it. First: I'm on a Windows machine connected to a WPA access point-making Ethernet impossible from my present location-and without the Internet, I cannot be current with Arch. How goes the TalkingArch project? I am curious to know if it is even still active-as no new blog posts have been forthcoming sinse the hint about what's upcoming. While I burned the first Test image to disk, I don't have anymore blank media. How could this media be quickly updated (assuming I could get the net functional) and all that? What about the WPA stuff? Curious how I could quicly do this, as once booted off the Arch CD I have, I would not be able to go online to the Arch wiki or anywhere else. Chris, feel free to email me privately if you wish. Regards, --Keith