HI. Now I've gotten my soundcard to work as I wanted to have it. The thing is that you need to turn of digital output(jack) in order to get it to work. SO now I'm thinking about putting together a sound and speakup install howto for debian squeeze, if any of you are interested? speakup already comes built into the kernel, so you just need to load the speech module you want to use. I only ask for a little help in return. I've gotten trouble building speechd-up, it says that some library of speechd is missing, and that I shall read INSTALL. I've installed everything with speechd, and libspeechd, nothing happens. Could you help me please? /Kristoffer Kristoffer Gustafsson Trelleborgsv?gen 1b 514 33 Tranemo tel: 0325-42093 mobil: 073-8226473 e-post: kg84 at dreamwld.com Eller kristoffer_gustafsson at allmail.net