All, I just updated the dectalk express driver based on a manual that Kirk sent to me. The new driver version is 2.17. We were using the wrong value for the volume command: It should be [:dv g5 xx] where xx is between 60 and 86, so I have defined that and set 73 as the default. Also, I have set the default rate and the range of rates to match what the manual says, which is: Default rate is 180 and range is from 75 to 650. I am unable to find the documentation for the command we are using to set the pitch, which is [:dv ap xx]. I need to know what the possible values of xx for this command are, and whether you can give relative values like [:dv ap +50] or something similar. Using absolute pitch settings for caps indication makes it so that a user can't set their pitch to anything away from the default value. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks, William