Obviously it was my audapter speaking. It would be wonderful if the installer came up with software speech and I'm sure it's possible, all it would take is someone with enough knowledge and time to do it which ain't me unfortunately. I did ask on the list if anyone had successfully booted from the daily build around Sept. 15 and heard nothing. So rather than crying in my beer about my broken system I reread the instructions and tried again. Here is my isolinux/f8.txt file for Sept. 15, 2008 daily build: 0fSPECIAL BOOT PARAMETERS - INSTALLATION SYSTEM07 09F807 You can use the following boot parameters at the 0fboot:07 prompt, in combination with the boot method (see <09F307>). These parameters control how the installer works. 0f RESULT PARAMETER07 Verbose debugging 0fDEBCONF_DEBUG=507 Debug boot sequence 0fBOOT_DEBUG=2|307 Disable framebuffer 0ffb=false07 Don't start PCMCIA 0fhw-detect/start_pcmcia=false07 Force static network config 0fnetcfg/disable_dhcp=true07 Set keyboard map 0fbootkbd=es07 Use Braille tty 0fbrltty=driver,device,texttable07 Use Speakup (graphical install only) 0fspeakup.synth=driver07 Use high contrast accessibility theme 0ftheme=dark07 Select the kde or xfce desktops 0fdesktop=kde07 For example: boot: install fb=false Press F1control and F then 1 for the help index, or ENTER to