Hello all, Looks like the DoubleTalk LiteTalk synthesizer works with lilo's serial feature For anyone whos interested, the settings I used in /etc/lilo.conf are: serial=0,9600e7 Setting a port speed under 2400 baud locked the system up tight and required the rescue CD. I commented out the serial line and re-ran lilo, got an error about /proc having no partitions available, but it still took and the system rebooted again. Anyway, similar settings of 9600 baud, even parity, and 7 databits should werk for grub users with a LiteTalk (ltlk). Slower baud rates only gave me garbage, I think. The synth just kept saying "x" 20 or so times, paused, and then did it again. Thanks much for everyone for the heads up on the serial feature in the boot loader. Now I *really* can hear what goes on from startup to shutdown. Now all I need is the same thing in the BIOS setup. <grins> HTH, Michael