Hi, So basically you aren't really booting off the USB drive but from a floppy which passes control to the USB drive as it boots. Interesting. Are you sure that the demo from 2001-ish is actually ASAP and not ASAP for Windows or ASAW? I looked about then and the demo of ASAP was from many years earlier. I don't actually need the demo right now but it would be good to host it somewhere for people who want it. If you email attach the file, I'll put up on the web for download, at least temporarily. Nick Stockton wrote: > well if no one is able to find the last version of the ASAP demo/update from > 2001/2002 I still have it. > I got it off of the MicroTalk website before it went down years ago and now > it appears the domain name was taken by a domain snatcher. > As far as running dos