Here is a sample lftp script. I have documented it for you to understand what you need to do to make it work. Lines starting with a # are the comments. To call a lftp script do the following: lftp -f SampleScript.lftp SampleScript.lftp # LFTP script to automate a file(s) transfer. # Log into the desired Web site with your userid and password. If you do not need a userid and password, remove the "-u userid,password" from the next line. open -u USERID,PASSWORD URL #UReplace USERID,PASSWORD with your login information. # URL E.G. https// (NOTE the "/" at the end of the line is important) # Change the local directory to where you want to store the downloaded files. lcd MyDownloads # Change to the location of the files to be transferred. cd FileLocation/ # (Again the "/" is necessary) # now get the file(s) mget **.FileExtention # (change mget to get for a single file) # to get a directory, use # mirror DirectoryName/ (the "/" is not necessary) # Log out bye # End-of-script If you have any questions, let me know. HTH Steve Dawes Calgary Canada.