On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 05:04:30PM +0200, Willem van der Walt wrote: > 3. have an indication of dead none-working programs if they are still > shown. I would be more interested in working programs, myself, starting with the best first and optionally detailing problems and their work-arounds, if any. FTP site organization in a tree structured format would be nice, too. Especially for us near-clueless newbies. Personally, I work best starting with descriptive topic links and being able to run a serch that's likely to find the topic I'm looking for, searching for words/text like "compil", "keys", and "compatib", and knowing I'll find compiling instructions, defined keystrokes, and compatible software, respectively. Key topics being listed in alphabetical order would also be helpful for people so new that they don't know how to use search would even be a help if an index becomes a bit large. Just tossing out ideas, not suggestions. HTH, Michael