I didn't know that make oldconfig would recognize new options and prompt you for them. I guess that's because I don't usually use oldconfig. Since having the right config is the most important part of the kernel build, I always do it from scratch, with only the new source tree and nothing old in there. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment. hehe. But for those who haven't compiled kernel, it's really not that hard. Like most things, there's only one way to learn, by screwing up a few times and making kernels that won't boot, and learning how to recover from that, learning by trial and error what some of those drivers are and are not. I also highly recommend doing the linuxfromscratch thing if you have the time and patience. It's quite satisfying to build the entire mess from source and gives you a much better understanding of the fundamentals of linux. When I first started using linux I had this constant fear of missing stuff, if I didn't have everything installed then I wouldn't be able to build or use xyz software later. Now I'm the opposite, I always want a minimal system, only what I need and nothing more. Some of these distros have 6GB of software on the disks. Insane. -- Doug