Java and Javascript are two different animals, I personally think that Java is a great tool for generating content, as in running servlets that generate TEXT, not the flawed applet idea with its crazy security implications. Javascript is not the same, and I wish it would just not exist. It is used for all the wrong reasons. The only reason it does exist is because Sun allowed Netscape to create a scripting language based on Java, but is not Java, in order to help proliferate Java on the web. It was bad decision for Sun. Java is very useful as a technology, for networking code on embedded devices, and for server code. I have written powerful server based apps that when you view the pages they are text, but the text is generated by Java, this is very powerful, but completely different than the Javascript fiasco. There is no need for Javascipt, Java, DHTML, or any other "dynamic" content languages on web pages. There are too many risks involved and too many restrictions on how the information can be used. I'd like to see new standards evolve out of W3C. -- Doug