Hey. There's an ebook reader that we're working on getting produced. It originated at baens bar (http://www.baen.com) with folks complaining they couldn't find one that they liked. Well, they've found one, and it'll be running linux. I've inserted into the discussions that speakup on an ebook reader would be an excellent thing. They agree. Test units aren't out yet, but once they arrive, we're going to work to try to get speakup working on them. Final selling price is supposed to be around $350. They'll read ebooks, play mp3 files, and run basic linux software, which means you can install pretty much anything you like on them. There's already talk about turning them into pda-type devices in addition to an ebook reader. Perhaps that'll meet your needs. Once it's out, 350 bucks will get *anyone* a pda that *can* talk if so desired. Can't beat that.