Slackware 11.0 has 2.6.x kernels in the 'extra' directory tree. The work on the next release seems to be exclusively with 2.6.x kernels, but I can not guess when the next release will take place. I have not had much trouble compiling programs in Slackware, but I have found that Slackware already includes most of what I need straight off of the shelf--I have not added much to it at all. Perhaps the next Slackware release will suit your needs better. Others here can comment on their favorite distributions. HTH, and have a great day. On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 10:23:57AM +0100, Michael Whapples wrote: > Hello, > With the news of ubuntu dropping speakup in gutsy, I am thinking of > changing to another distro where I will have speakup for the text > console. I am just wondering what is the advantages of the different > distros (what is the good points and bad points to each one). I have > previously used slackware, but found sometimes compiling software could > be a problem due to the continuation of using a 2.4 kernel and some of > the libs. I have also used gentoo which seemed to work well except for > all configuration was left to be done by hand and if not careful while > doing an update you may find the system fails because of a change in the > configuration options. How does debian compare? Also could anyone point > me in the direction of a comparison of the different distros. > > From > Michael Whapples -- Ralph. N6BNO. Wisdom comes from central processing, not from I/O. rreid at ...passing through The City of Internet at the speed of light... SLOPE = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)