The problem you're having is zsh. This turned me off of the shell, until I found: setopt singlelinezle which fixed the problem. I've been using zsh ever since. In the debian version (4.3 or something) you also need: unsetopt prompt_cr or else the shell will write a percent or a number sign, delete it, and print the prompt (which speakup will, if course, read). also, grml does some weird things with the prompt, using ansi color or the like, so export PS1='%m%# ' should do the trick. If I could get grml to boot off my usb stick, I'd put all that in a config file. I don't want to cary around a floppy, though, so that won't work for the cd. It'll boot off the stick, but the kernel takes 2 minutes to load, then grml another 2. Hope this helps, and if you have any other zsh questions, I'll try to help. Here is my .zshrc file. Under Arch (the distro I'm using now) prompt_cr doesn't need to be unset because it's using zsh 4.2, or something to do with the terminal, not sure. #unsetopt prompt_cr export PS1='%m%# ' autoload -U zmv export PATH=$PATH:/home/tyler/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/tyler/cdrutils setopt singlelinezle autocd setopt menucomplete unsetopt listbeep autolist source ~/.zshalias bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char bindkey "^[3;5~" delete-char bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line