Hi Dan, The prompt for host name contains a default suggestion, which you could accept just by pressing enter there. It is sort of like the old Slackware "darkstar". The domain name is a separate question. As for finding out what's in a package set, I really don't know how one would do that. The manual choice is certainly not the way. That's for folks who are already familiar with packages. I have always just picked "desktop" and then later have added stuff one by one as needed. It is so easy to add or remove packages that the desktop selection turns out to be just a general purpose "starter set" for the average user. I have found two sources really helpful which you can install with the apt-get command. They will put detailed documentation in your /usr/share/doc directory, where you can browse them with lynx or elinks, whichever you prefer. Do this: apt-get install debian-reference-en and apt-get install rutebook or you could get them both at once: apt-get install debian-reference-en rutebook The first of these has a man page, but the other only ends up in /usr/share/doc. Those two should get you some mileage. Chuck -- The Moon is Waning Gibbous (66% of Full) But you can still get downloads from http://www.mhcable.com/~chuckh