sorry if someone else answers your question, don't know which cd burning utility you may use, but since easy cd creator seems ot be found all kinds of places, I'll give instructions for using it to burn an iso. Just start the program, from the project selector choose make a data cd, then when the application window opens, open the file menu and find the record from cd image choice hit enter onthat, and in the dialog box pay attention to the file time combo box, it'll probably have .cif as the file type, so alt down arrow to open the combo box, then down arrow to change the file type to iso, then shift tab back to the edit box you'd type in or browse to the location of the iso image, and hit enter. The start recording dialog will come up, and it should be pretty self explanitory, but once you actually start recording, you may want to make the screen reader you use less chatty, as it will anounce status messages, that should pretty much do it. Sorry for the long winded explanation. hth -- Email services by FreedomBox. Surf the Net at the sound of your voice.