and u just straight wangsta homie! I have tried google, like I said before, and this is the last time I tell you this, because every question I ask you yell google, I use a list as a last resort. And, if like you said, your one of the big bad techs, and you have had 12 years linux exp... shouldn't you "know what your doing?" Also, I haven't found much else. I think my sighted help is getting tired of helping with linux, so I am trying to find a bit of information before I have to get my sighted person to go back to the comp again. I reset the jumper, and trashed the errors. things are good now, all but the system disk error. I checked the bios, and device 1 is infact the cd drive... So, I am stumped... Thanks,Any help is really appriciated. MSN: compgeek134 skype: st8amnd127 THX, Tyler