Ace: This is taken from Jim Grimsby's post of September 25th, 2005: To install the dectalk express firmware you will need access to a dos based computer or one able to run a dos box. There is no way I know way I know of to update the firmware using Linux. Unpack the zip file for the firmware of the express you want to use pkunzip will do this if you are having problems using the self extracting file. Then run the install program. View the readme file for instruction on updating your express. I think that DecTalk firmware is only available now from GW micro. I've never bothered to update the firmware on my DecTalk external since it works fine with my linux box, and I'm a big fan of: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." I don't know how to access this listserv's archives, but there's a thread on this subject under the subject line "DecTalk Speech" which occurred between september 2p-30. HTH! John