[... I realize this is the speakup list, but I'm pretty sure some folks on this list own BookPorts or BookCoureiers, so I thought this would be interesting...] [... If you are not a Unix or Linux user, or do not own a Book Port or Book Courier, you may safely ignore this message. :-)] [... Feel free to redistribute this message as seems appropriate.] *** Announcing the availability of UBT, the Unix Book Transfer utility. If you are the owner of an APH Book Port, or a Springer Design Book Courier, and are a Unix or Linux user who has an interest in using your book reading device with one of those operating systems, then you might be interested in checking out the Unix Book transfer utility, or UBT for short. You can read about and download the UBT utility at http://www.nfbcal.org/~buhrow/ubt UBT is a tool which allows you to transfer text files and indexed AUDIO files from your computer to your book reading device, using either the reading device itself, or a standard flash card reader. It is important to note that the UBT utility is neither endorsed or supported by Springer Design or The American Printing House for the Blind. Those two companies produce MS-Windows based software to manage their products, and they do an excellent job of supporting their devices and their software. They are, however, resource limited, and cannot answer any questions regarding the use of the UBT utility. Support for the UBT utility is provided on the ubt-users mailing list, which is accessible from the above web page. So, if you're a Unix or Linux user, and have a book reading device which you've always wanted to access using a Unix-based tool, check out UBT V0.90, and, while you're there, join the mailing list, and let us know what you think. Sincerely, Brian Buhrow