I have tried version 1.09b and I think the general idea of the embedded commands is in the right direction. You may like to have an option, or command to tell espeak that it is a string with embedded commands. I suggest that, particularly as at the moment you have allowed the commands to be done with * and espeak may get confused if a text file contains * (I would guess that it would be very unlikely to be a problem with control). Another thing is I may spread the results of the commands a bit more, e.g. *9S would lead to a slightly faster speed. Also you were saying that the *S speed command should not be used for setting the main speed, but if speech-dispatcher was to have a specific module (rather than the generic that controls through bash commands), then the embedded command would be the only control it would have on speed (I think). This would mean that a base speed would need to be configured some other way, e.g. in the voice, conf file, etc (when speech is used on a regular basis, it is possible to get used to it, and then listen at higher rates than you may imagine, I have been known with some synths to have gone past 250 words per minute). From Michael Whapples