I managed with dhcpcd and use of adsl-setup to get the modem where it will go out onto http://activatemydsl.verizon.net and lynx states I don't have a local issuer https certificate and offers to download httpschoice which I have done. I suppose I'll have to find out how to add the contents of this httpschoice file to my key ring before going any further. It appears verizon.net took down my service so far, or perhaps that only happens because my machine couldn't present a valid local issuer certificate when queried by verion.net. Any ideas for going further with this hook up will be appreciated. The weird thing was dhcpcd seemed to come up with for an address but when I looked in /etc/resolv.conf the nameserver addresses both started out with 199.43 if memory serves. The big problem in this area effecting all dsl users is verizon put the phone lines into a corrosive environment that became increasingly corrosive because of polutant runoff into the Chessapeake which is only a few miles from where I live and the insulation is flaking off all their cables. When pieces break down enough that whole areas are without phone service is when action happens here and no sooner.