zinf tips please

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That is probably because the first file I sent has been 
updated by more than one version of zinf in the last 2 years.
It was from my box that started out as Woody and moved later to Sarge
while spending some time as a Sid box.  It is now running Sarge.  During
the years, it was edited to fix some older bugs in earlier releases of

The second file I sent was from my Sid box which was installed more

I don't know what is safe to delete.
If you want, I also now have a copy of the preferences that got created
when I installed zinf on a new Sarge box.  It should have only the
latest versions of the entries.  I'll attach it to this message in case
it will help clear up the confusion.  I should have probably waited
until after coffee and looked before posting anything.

All the files work, so I didn't even realize until you pointed it out
that they have so much stuff in them.  This is a good example of how
Debian just evolves over the years.

On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 11:09:24AM -0400, Charles Hallenbeck wrote:
> Okay, I have zinf working now. 
> Lorenzo, my apology, I did make a typo in those changes. But I also made 
> my preferences file look a lot like the one Kenny sent, and whichever 
> fix made it work, it is now playing.
> Kenny, a question:
> Lots of entries in your preferences file seem to be nearly identical 
> duplicates of each other, differing only in the expansion of "Dir" to 
> "Directory" for instance. What's that all about? Neither produces an 
> error, so I suppose they are synonyms. Is it safe to delete one of each 
> pair? Which one?
-------------- next part --------------
DatabaseDir: /home/kenny/.zinf/db
SaveMusicDir: /home/kenny/MyMusic
WatchThisDirectory: /home/kenny/MyMusic
ALSADevice: 0:0
AdvancedRelatable: false
AllowMultipleInstances: false
AskToReclaimFiletypes: true
AudioCDLength: 4440
Browser: mozilla
CheckForUpdates: false
CloseDLMOnComplete: false
ConvertUnderscoresToSpaces: true
DecoderThreadPriority: 5
DownloadManagerUI: download.ui
ESOUNDHost: localhost
EnableBitzi: false
EnableMusicBrainz: false
EqualizerSettings: 0,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50
InputBufferSize: 64
LastDir: /
LastZinfVersion: 2.2.5
Logging: false
MBServer: http://www.musicbrainz.org:80
MainWindowPos: -1,-1
MetadataDisplay: 1
MusicBrowserHeaderWidths: -1,-1,-1.-1
MusicBrowserPosition: -1,-1,-1,-1,-1
MusicBrowserUI: musicbrowser.ui
NumberOfURLsToRemember: 10
OutputBufferSize: 160
PMO: alsa.pmo
PerformDBCheck: true
PlayImmediately: true
PlaylistHeaderColumns: Title|Artist|Album|Time|Genre
PlaylistRepeat: 0
PlaylistShuffle: false
PreBuffer: 0
ProxyHost: http://proxy.yourdomain.com:8080
ReclaimFiletypes: true
SaveCurrentPlaylistOnExit: false
SaveStreams: false
SaveStreamsDir: .
SavedPlaylistPosition: 0
SetLastResume: true
ShowToolbarImages: true
ShowToolbarTextLabels: true
SoftMixer: false
SoftMixerLeft: 85
SoftMixerRight: 85
StayOnTop: false
StreamBufferInterval: 3
TextUI: ncurses.ui
Theme: Zinf.fat
TimeDisplay: 0
ToolbarUI: toolbar.ui
UI: zinf.ui
UseNIC: false
UseProxy: false
UseTitleStreaming: true
ViewMusicBrowser: true
Volume: 85
VorbisTags: true
WatchThisDirTimeout: 0
Welcome: true
WindowMode: MainWindow
WriteID3v1: true
WriteID3v2: true
DefaultID3Charset: ISO-8859-1
ThemeDefaultFont: Helvetica
CDDevicePath: /dev/cdrom
CheckCDAutomatically: false
LibraryPath: .:~/.zinf:/usr/lib/zinf
ThemePath: ./themes:~/.zinf/themes:/usr/share/zinf/themes

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