Elinks: Controling Media Player

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Steve posted his question to the elinks-user list and we got the answer.
You need to add the following to the end of each line in your .mailcap

; needsterminal

That line tells elinks to release the terminal to the process.  A sample
line looks like

audio/x-pn-realaudio; mplayer -playlist %s ; needsterminal

That line causes mplayer to start when I select a real audio link on a
web site.  Keyboard focus is given to mplayer.

Hope this helps.

On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 04:48:42PM +0400, Sergei V. Fleytin wrote:
> Hello, Kenny and others.
> >>>>> "KH" == Kenny Hitt <kenny at hittsjunk.net> writes:
> KH> hi.  The mailing list isn't high traffic.  They use either the
> KH> mailing lists or an IRC channel for support.  I see the same
> KH> problem, but don't have any solution.  The elinks developers will
> KH> need to figure this one out because I can't.  It happens with zinf
> KH> as well as mplayer, so it should be easy to produce.
> Just and idea. Why don't use screen to launch a player? It would be
> possible then to switch between browser and player windows. I didn't
> try it myself yet but I think it should work since this very thrick is
> suggested by the author of centericq for launching web browser from a
> centericq.
> Hope this helps.
> Sergei.
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