Folks, as I reported some while back, I thought upgrading to the latest Sid had hosed my box. Well it was rather ironic that in fact all of my booting problems were traced back to a bad Doubletalk external. Now why I never thought of this is that I've never had a synth just up and fail this way, I connected it to a winblows box to determine after connecting to my other Linux box it wasn't working and sure enough on the winblows box it works fine. I ended up taking it to work and hooking it up to my xp box at work and it worked just fine. I then brought my synth from the office home and hooked that to the Linux box and sure enough, it came up talking. I have absolutely no clue why my original synth no longer works with my Linux boxes, but well that's just one of those mysteries. Now my question. My wife was looking at the screen on my Linux box and she said there are lines all over it. The monitor is fine, so it must be something with my video driver. This is kernel and I set vga normal in the lilo.conf file. If I switch this thing to the Gnome login screen, it seems to work, but it does say something about the mode not being supported. The only change is I went from a big old 17-inch monitor to a flat screen 14-inch to recover a good deal of desk space and that monitor was pretty cheap, but hell I don't need it, but she does..grin Any thoughts? tnx