There's also a practical downside even if one is a bit loose in one's fondness for GPL. Proprietary clients will typically run into all kinds of library conflicts on Linux. Even if something works today, it's quite possible that upgrading something else will break the proprietary app, and there will be no way to fix it other than to go and beg the proprietary vendor to do it. Erik Heil writes: > Hi their. Well, here's the bad news. The client is developed on > proprietary technology, hence the GPL doesn't apply here. I would not > support development of such a client, for those above reasons. If, for > instance, the client was developed on standards-based protocols i.e. a > variant of the GSM codec, then that would be a different story. But due > to its proprietary nature, I can't honestly give it my thumbs up. Ditto > for Ventrilo. I, if I chose to, could very well run a Ventrilo server on > this box. But due to Draconian license restrictions and the lack of the > availability of a Linux-based client, add to it the simple fact that in > addition to being based on GSM, their's proprietary software/protocols > involved, I can't support such an act of software technology. OK, I'm > sorry for going off in a tangent here, but this stuff really irritates me. > > -- > Erik Heil <eheil at> > Phone: (865) 673-0542 > > > _______________________________________________ > Speakup mailing list > Speakup at > -- Janina Sajka, Chair Accessibility Workgroup Free Standards Group (FSG) janina at Phone: +1 202.494.7040