With all the different references to WordPerfect, I think the original request is being forgotten. Whoever it was that started this thread was looking for a copy of the old WordPerfect V5.1 for Unix that ran in text mode. Now I know that back in the late 80's when WordPerfect was still a standalone company, there were versions of WP5.1 that ran in Unix, as well as Xenix, but I have know idea of when they phased out the text interface in favor of the x-windows product. Apparently, the more recent versions that are available for Unix or Linux run in the x-windows environment. About this I don't know, I'm just trying to clarify the original request as it seems that some of the direction this thread has taken has caused some confusion. I do agree however, that a look at the old text based WP5.1 for Unix would be interesting to play with, but I imagine you would have to find it at a computer flea market or liquidator, since it was never open source or free as far as I know. At 09:41 AM 3/20/2004, you wrote: >Now you have me a touch worried. >One of the things i was looking forward to in Linux, a >way to demonstrate its advantages over windows to >companies for whom I work was word processing. >Granted I do not use wordperfect 5.1, but 6.1 and later still in dos on >this machine. >I knew that there was a wordperfect for Linux out there, and am >surprised that this requires windows.