Hi. I just got a router (zonenet) and I've never had a router before. The person who brought it knows nothing about linux. What do I need to read or where can I find information on how to configure my /etc/network/interfaces for the router. We plugged the router in but while it showed data, my computer didn't go online. for one thing, the only dhcp server running should be on the router so obviously I have to change my /etc/network/interfaces. I did try looking this up on google but I kept running into stuff about _building_ a router in linux instead of what i want to know. Any help or referral to information would be most deeply appreciated!!! I'm posting this here because I often don't get lists back from debian lists and I'm afraid that on mostly sighted lists people will be doing some kind of configuration with X. Thanks. -- Cheryl "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."