I spent most of my weekend trying to compile a Speakup-enabled kernel. The good news is I compiled several stock kernels, without speech and without errors. I can boot them; they locate and support all my hardware fine. I can telnet in to the machine and even mount my USB flash drive. But I get errors every time I try to patch in Speakup. I have been careful to completely remove the entire source tree and untar a brand-new tree to /usr/src. I create the soft link so linux-2.4.22 points to /usr/src/linux. This is Slackware 9.1, kernel version 2.4.22. I've tried using the source tree that is part of my distro; also downloaded a new 2.4.22 tree from kernel.org. I tried installing Speakup 1.5 and I also tried getting the 2.26 from CVS. I tried doing the 1.5 first, then the cvs patches. If I ignore the patching errors and do make oldconfig, I am prompted for the new things, like all the synthesizers, including the Dectalk ISA card. The speakup directory is there under /usr/src/linux/drivers/char, and lots of source and header files are there as well. But of course, this patched kernel doesn't compile. I've read all the documentation I could find and that was recommended on this list, but I'm obviously missing something. Here's a snip from the patching output: U speakup/diff-v26/include^linux^speakup.h.copy Creating .orig files [..................] done. Patching files [pppppppppp1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file /usr /src/linux/drivers/char/Makefile.rej ppppppp] done. Copying files [ccccc] done. --Debee