It should be fine, but to use bank of america you have to use a different user agent. there was a big discussion about this a while back. Some websites reject your browser, not on the basis of a real problem, but just because it doesn't have the user agent for a certain browser. It doesn't make sense, and there ought to be a better alternative than to accommodate them by letting the website see what it insists on seeing, but sometimes there don't seem to be other options. What I've done for websites where I absolutely have to use another user agent is make a file for executing lynx that way with a variable so you can put in the url. You can call it whatever you want but make sure you do chmod +x filename (meaning whatever the filename is). then move it to /usr/local/bin. Then just type the filename and the url. There's a way to actually put it in lynx permanently but I prefer not to do this when it isn't needed. You can also do it in links the chain but I don't think there's any alternative but to put it in your .links/links.cfg. Here's the contents of my file; The $1 at the end is what allows you to put in the url to which you are going. lynx --useragent='Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)' $1 -- Cheryl "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."