I tried using cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at braille.uwo.ca:/usr/src/CVS login <cr> and got a password prompt and responded with please <cr> and kept on getting aborted connection refused. I'm using Fedora Core 1 since I haven't been able to burn a good set of FC2 iso's yet. That was about 25 CD's wasted on that attempt. The md5 -c MD5SUM command returns okay for all 9 iso's. Does a way exist to run md5sum on a CD once it's been burned? Some people found the mediacheck program defective in FC2 and I think too much experimental junk got put into cdrecord in FC1 after this experience. Fortunately I have the ability to test that premise since I forgot to throw out my RedHat 8.0 disk set. If I get lucky after adjusting that cdrecord package downward in version I'll let you all know. Is the CVS server down or is yarrow's CVS also broken?