I thought I was upgrading the speakup on my system because I installed the deb kernel-image-2.4.26-speakup but I think maybe I just gave grub a new kernel to screw with me. Now the 2.4.24-1-speakup image which came up talking nicely is not my default kernel. I don't know what is. Is there a way to get speakup up and talking after I boot up and log-in? What do I type at the boot prompt if I have to wait till then to start speakup? How do I edit my menu.lst or other files to make this system work again? Finally, If none of that works, can I telnet into this system, remove the kernel image and will the system work? I'm not on my own domain or anything, but when I typed in the machine name, I couldn't get a telnet connection. I don't know if there is something else I need to type for that part, the machines are both connected to my dsl modem which has a built-in router. Sean