Hello I have debian woody, do I need gnome 2.4.0 to take advantage of the latest in screen reading for gnome? I have downloaded a lot of the sources from the gnome site, but there is a lot of stuff there.. What exactly do I need to get this up and running with my system. I assume that since 2.4.0 has just been released that debian does not have it included in the woody packages.. Any first pointers would be helpful. Sincerely, Patrick ----- Patrick Turnage PAC Mate Gear CoWebmaster E-mail: patrick at pacmategear.com patrickt at tampabay.rr.com Web Site http://www.pacmategear.com For All Things PAC Mate Home Page http://www.access-connect.com Connecting the World to Access Technology Information AOL Instant Messenger: kg4dqk MSN Messenger: turnagep at hotmail.com