I have found that for some reason exim now refuses to send mail. if I do a sendmail xxxx at yyyy.zzz and then put < filename it says it sends it but it doesn't go anywhere. I tried putting the server in the DMZ and it definitely won't send. For that matter, it won't receive. I now know that Debian comes with IMAP servers, so I am in process of changing our mail clients to use IMAP. I have a feeling that this has something to do with the fact that we set up a name server. I think there might be settings in exim that need tweaking. If any of you can shed some light on this I'd be grateful. Meanwhile, back to the manuals. It also has something to do with freezing and thawing. These are things I don't understand yet and don't know how to deal with. I think my mailman will work. The trouble is in exim. In mailman, I can't use the web links but I can use the commands to create lists and it is doing it. Nothing will happen until I figure out what happened to exim. When I look at my logs, I find stuff about things being frozen. I need to educate myself. Rejean Proulx Visit my family at http://interfree.ca MSN is: rejp at rogers.com Ham License VA3REJ