visual basic still needs to be converted into binary in the end to be understood by the underlying os and architecture. just calling a plain ascii file foo.exe doesn't automatically give it licence to run, you either need a third party interpreter or a compilor to compile the underlying code into a form the machine will recognise. kevin old son, you've just proven yet again you're a damned idiot. I strongly erge you to piss off. -- Shaun Oliver "Becareful of the toes u step on today, they maybe connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow!" EMAIL: shaun_oliver at ICQ: 76958435 YAHOO: blindman01_2000 MSN: blindman_2001 at AIM: captain nemo 200 IRC: IRCNICK: blindman CHANNELS: #awesomeradio #mircpopup-magic #linux #help #ourworld #audiofile #mauisun