well, I'm at the line version 2.85 reloading .nptlspk2 } but its been there for hours. Any ideas? I'll just go back over what's happened so far. I installed fedora core 1. booted into x so I changed to run level 3 and rebooted. I then had to install the kernel from the speakup modified version. It told me that it was already there so I used the --force arguement. speakup didn't speek so I assumed it was my apollo, after some messing around I found that the _synth module was gone and the apollo spoke during shut. down when I loded the accsent module. I found the apollo.c file and noticed that it was checked to compile in the kurnel. I tried recompiling the kernel and I've got as far as here. Thanks Darragh Note the person reading it out to me is nearly blind him self so although the line is definitly at the bottom of the screen there may be a mistake or so.