Hi all. I'm trying to get zipslack to boot over nfs but I'm having a problem. I created a etherboot floppy image for my network card and wrote it to a disk. when I boot the system it finds the card and gets the ip address from dhcp. but it won't load the kernel over tftp. I have tftp running via inetd and it seems to be working. nothing is written to /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages but there is a 'file not found' message displayed on the screen of the client machine. I couldnt find what file it couldn't locate. I have everything set up following the messages posted by Greg last weekend. does anyone know what could be wrong? or where I can look for any errors from tftpd other then the places I've already looked? thanks. -- Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk?