with those old at supplys, you need to ensure that the p8 and p9 connecters are facing the right way. that is with the black wire on each of the connectors in the middle of that jumbled mess. greg wait for a sighty you'll run the risk of doing more harm than good to yer mobo otherwise. -- Shaun Oliver "Becareful of the toes u step on today, they maybe connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow!" EMAIL: shaun_oliver at optusnet.com.au ICQ: 76958435 YAHOO: blindman01_2000 MSN: blindman_2001 at hotmail.com AIM: captain nemo 200 IRC: irc.awesomechat.net:6666 IRCNICK: blindman CHANNELS: #awesomeradio #mircpopup-magic #linux #help #ourworld #audiofile #mauisun