Somebody mentioned that they were having horribly distorted MP3 playback under Slackware 9.1. I hadn't noticed this because I mostly have OGG Vorbis files, and the times I do play an MP3 file, I use trplayer. However, I started doing some testing of various MP3 players, and have come to the conclusion that there must be something wrong with the MAD library that ships with Slackware 9.1. Both MPG321 and Madplay use this library for MP3 playback, and both have seriously messed up audio output. In the case of MPG321, it is horribly distorted with a steady clicking sound. With Madplay, there is a loud hissing noise. I found that Zinf, Trplayer, and mpg123 which is in the extra directory all yield correct MP3 playback. There is also a very simple player called AMP which comes with Slackware 9.1. It works correctly as well, but has absolutely no options other than playing the file. I.E. no fast-forward, shuffle, etc. So, any of those will work. I don't know if downloading the latest version of the Mad library would help, but it might.